What is the overall message of the article regarding Chyawanprash?

This quiz is based on the article. You can read the full article by clicking the link.
च्यवनप्राश: मिलावट से बचें, सेहत बनाएँ | Chyawanprash: Avoid Adulteration, Build Health

What is the overall message of the article regarding Chyawanprash?

A Chyawanprash is a miracle cure for all health problems.
B It is best to avoid Chyawanprash altogether due to its potential side effects.
C Choosing preservative-free Chyawanprash is crucial to reap its health benefits.
D Chyawanprash is only effective for specific age groups.

The article advocates for the consumption of Chyawanprash, but with an emphasis on selecting preservative-free varieties to ensure safe and effective use.

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